Station Gazelle provided by Larry Smith |
I have really struggled to try to duplicate these pages as close to the original layout as possible. The scanning process created many errors and even though I have tried to correct them, mistakes will be found. Thanks to Larry for his patience in letting me have the original to work from. |
Kagnew Gazelle Volume 14 No. 9, Friday, February 24th, 1969 |
Actual picture of the top half of the front page Page 1 Four Kagnew soldiers named to Outstanding Young Men honors ARC in action here CFC Campaign stresses Payroll Deduction plan AADS will hold carnival for Kagnew tomorrow Reup NCO writes up own reup Two receive C of A's on departure Page 2 EDITORIAL Anyone can finish school STRATCOM News The Sheepskin, Education Center News Pulpit and Pew Kagnew Gazelle Disclaimer TEEN TOPICS Page 3 Kagnew Station Little League Activity TEEN TOPICS (cont.) Bridge Box HHC Hot Line Two receive C of A's on departure (cont) Page 4 "DOCK SIDE" Company B Concourse Kegler's Korner di dah Company News |