Kegler's Korner by Jim Wright |
SHORTTTMERS MIXED LEAGUE I-ITS Team 2067 MHS ART WILSON 600 MHG ART WILSON 229 WHS Jackie Spilman 496 WHG Jackie Spilman 178 E. M. WIVES LEAGUE FITS Team 7 2058 HS Inez Thurmond 475 HG Minako Rabasa 181 POST OPEN HDCP LEAGUE HTS Team 13 2844 HS Duane Lewis 517 HG Duane Lewis 221 HQ & HQ COMPANY LEAGUE ETS (Team) Con. Maint. 2819 HS Terry Szymczak 605 HG John Harris 204 OPERATIONS HDCP LEAGUE FITS Team 12 2672 HS Jack Vogt 594 HG Jack Vogt 246 POST OPEN MIXED LEAGUE HTS Team 8 2196 MHS Buck Haildorson 563 MHG Buck Haildorson 223 WHS Elenore Klingman 492 WHG Elenore Klingman 192 OFFICER S MIXED LEAGUE HTS Team 16 2174 MHS Larry Smith 597 MHG Larry Smth 217 WHS Jackie Spilman 495 WHO Jackie Spilman 188 |
The E. M. Wives Bowling Banquet will be held Monday, March 3rd at 6 p.m. This event will be riven at the Oasis Club and all husbands are invited to attend. Free dinner will be served and door prizes will be given. All participants of this league are reminded to coma out and make this event a success. KAGNEW ALLSTARS TOP TEN MEN 1. Ron Spilman 2. Ted Cummings 3. Jack Vogt 4. Jerry Fogoros 5. Buck Haildorson 6. James Steiger 7. Jack Helwick 8. Duane Lewis 9. Juan Rabasa 10. Terry Szymczak LADIES 1. Ann Wallace 2. Nebe Friese 3. Lucille Hart 4. Jackie Spilman 5. flonnie Jackson 6. Minako Rabasa 7. Millie Wilson 8. Charlotte Green 9. Jo Hennessey 1O. Inez Thurmond |