Kagnew Patch

Kagnew Station Roster
U.S. Map


On the following map, click anywhere on a state to see a listing of the Kagnew veterans that live there. Most have a snail mail and an e-mail address.

You can also use the state drop-down list to select a state and click the "Search" button if your browser has trouble with the map.

For all of you who are travelling around the country, vacation or otherwise, check out the lists and give someone a call when you're in their area. I'm sure they'd all like to hear from some fellow Kagnew vets. How about it? Then you can pass along some of those stories to us!


[Outside U.S.] | [No addresses]


Illinois Iowa Arkansas Minnesota Wisconsin North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Washington Oregon California Nevada Alaska Hawaii Idaho Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado New Mexico Arizona Michican Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Georgia Florida South Carolina North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Maryland Delaware Pennsylvania New Jersey New York Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine Puerto Rico