Kagnew Station Patch

Kagnew Station
Main Gate

Everyone at one time or another came through this gate. It is one of the most recognizable images we have of Radio Marina and Kagnew Station that I thought I'd devote an entire page to the different pictures you've sent in. If you have your own version, please contact me and I'll get it posted.
Brass Bar
These are the pictures of the main gate from Boyce Cox in 1997 that got me fired up about seeing pictures of Kagnew again and hearing more about it. I remember the day Boyce sent them to me and it was pretty exciting at the time.

Kagnew Main Gate - November 1998

Radio Marina Main Gate, just after "Kagnew" was added, from Bob Hart.

A "color" shot of the main gate of Radio Marina sent in by Ed Larson.

A great shot of the Kagnew Main Gate, 60s style, from Tom McCandless.
( Dannie Taylor (66-67) sent in a note saying he is the MP in the picture! )

A wide angle picture of the main gate, circa 1958. And here are closeups of the Kagnew guard shack and the guard shack for locals.
Courtesy of Frank Griffiths

Dan Harper's picture was taken at quitting time for the local workers. You can see people leaving and the bicycle area is full.