
Tim Smith
'60-'62 ASA HQ Co.


  • HQ building, taken from near the front door of the Purchasing & Contracting office (near the main gate) where I worked.
  • Asmara looking toward the mosque, taken from the Cathedral Campanile.
  • This one is a frightening memory for me. In Jan '61, a friend and I borrowed a Special Services jeep for a trip down to Massawa. We had over 20 gallons of gas in the back, and were planning to do some cruising on the coast south of Massawa. About 20K out of Asmara, we* took a turn too fast (*well, I wasn't driving :-). The jeep rolled (as they tend to do), and went over the edge. Good luck, both of us were thrown out, and stayed on the road, with a few abrasions. The jeep fell about 600-800 ft. When they dragged it out, and put it on display on the post, here's what it looked like.
  • Tim didn't learn from the wreck, here he is on his new Norton 600 Dominator just outside the old C.I.A.O.O. hotel in Massawa, a year-and-a-half later in August 1962.