Kagnew Station Patch Kagnew Station
Reunion Calendar 2025

Group Location Dates
2025 Kagnew Reunion

(Posted 6 Feb 2025)

We have basic information about the possibility of a 2025 Kagnew Reunion!
Tom Daly has informed me a process is in the works to have a Kagnew Reunion again this year. Nothing is set yet and they are trying to determine a location that is more central and workable for everyone attending. Here is the message Tom sent everyone:

Hello again, everyone!
As the attached document explains (PDF link below), we are ramping up the process the again have a successful 2025 All-Kagnew Reunion.
Please review and send us your feedback as soon as possible. We need to know not only which of the two locations you prefer, but also if you will be unable to attend regardless of where it is held. Implied is our request for feedback if you would be unwilling to attend if held in either location, but would consider a third option - if so, where would you suggest?

We're sorry for asking approximately 8 months in advance, but pulling an event like this does take time.

Thank you - Tom & Dan

2025 Kagnew Reunion First Notice

Update #2 (2/18/25)

Please read Update #3 and let us know what you think/prefer.

Time is of the essence as many other groups are also competing for the same space at the same time.

Many thanks for your consideration - Tom & Dan (3/7/25)

Update #4 - Finalized! (3/17/25)
Site change! Date change!

Hello All Kagnewites

We have successfully finalized the arrangements for the 2025 All-Kagnew Reunion. As the attached Update #4 explains, the total costs of having the reunion hosted in Oklahoma City were just too much for us to proceed with final contracts. We had hoped to move this year to be closer to more Kagnew Vets located beyond the Mississippi. Unfortunately, things just didn't work out this year, will try again later.

Accordingly, per your 90%+ support per our Update #3 survey, we are returning to the Beach Cove Resort in Myrtle Beach for the period Friday, Oct 10th thru Monday, Oct 13th. As the hotel supported last year, you can extend your stay - check with the hotel when you make your reservation.

We will be finalizing the actual 2025 Registration Form in the next day or two - please be looking out for it. FYI - Update #4 (link above)

Finally, here is a copy of the group photo (with a few photoshop additions) from last year. We certainly had a great group and a wonderful time - hurricane party included.....

As always, if you have questions or suggestions, please let us know.

Best regards, Tom & Dan

Follow up post (3/17/25)

Here is a .PDF version of the registration form for your consideration and use.

Future Updates will provide you details as to how to make your entree selection as well as the optional group activity.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Tom Daly & Dan Minchen
Myrtle Beach NC Oct 10-13