Our thanks to Robert Hart for providing this Weekly Gazelle.
Here is a scan of the actual front page of the
Gazelle: 17 December 1954 Weekly
Vol. 2, No. 42 KAGNEW
17 December 1954
Washington (AFPS)-- The traditional White House Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, led by President Eisenhower, will be held today, Dec. 17, this year and will be part of an expanded Yuletime program in the nation's capital to be called the "Pagent of Peace."
A description of the Christmas tree lighting will be broadcase nationally and beamed abroad by the Voice of America.
The Pagent of Peace will feature a life-sized replica of the Nativity Scene. A large outside stage will be erected for presentation of holiday tableaus, songs and other festivities by schools, churches, government organizations, and representatives of several foreign embassies and legations here.
The Community Fund drive leveled off at last week's total of $2,066.00. As the drive enters the last two weeks, all members who have not previously done so are urged to contribute the suggested amount of half-a-day's pay.
Only if the suggested donation is contributed by everyone on post can the necessary amount be obtained to make a worthwhile contribution to every charity. Your help is needed, join in with people all over the world in this season of charity and good will. Give this once, once this year!
Twenty nine enlisted men were promoted on December's list, Special Orders number 179, dated 16 December 1954. Included were 1 SFC, 15 Sergeants and 13 Corporals. The men were:
Sergeant First Class:
Vincent T. Lucas, HQ. Co. Sergeant: Eugene C. Anderson, Opns: Paul H. Bowers, Hq.; Andrew M. Brown, Jr., Hq.; Charles A. Carosso, Opns.; Edward C. Coates, Hq.; Billie N. Couch, Hq.; David K Grinwis, Opns.; Robert F. Hart, Opns.; Robert F. Highton, Jr., Opns.; John N. Meadows, Opns.; Kenneth H. Neal, Opns.; Donald F. Papouschek, Opns.; William L Shaffer, Opns.; Ronadl G Skillman, Opns.; and William R. Stephenson, Opns.
Charles P Arwood, Hq.; Harold D Childress, Hq.; John V. Collins, Opns.; Matthew J. Curran, Hq.; James F Deal, Opns.; William A Kelsey, Hq.; John L Purcell, Jr., Opns.; Donald F. Schumacher, Opns.; Stanley S. Silverman, Hq.; John C. Taylor, Jr., Opns; Charles E Wachter, Opns.;Donley J. Wilson, Hq.; and David C. Wise. ******************
Sgt. J. O.. Martin was recently promoted at Co. B, Arlington Hall Station, to the rank of Sergeant First Class. SFC Martin was stationed here for 3 years and was assigned to Operations.
DEATH STRIKES FORMER OPERATIONS MEMBER Word was received this week of the death of Master Sergeant William E. Lowrie due to an automobile accident while returning home from his duty as an instructor at the ASATC, Ft. Devens, Mass. M/Sgt Lowrie was stationed here in the Operations Detachment from 27 Feb. 1952 until Aug. of this year.
He had many friends here, all of whom are saddened to hear of his untimely death. He is survived by his wife, Josephine H., a daughter, Lora Dale, aged 3, and a son, William E. Jr., aged 1.
Washington (AFPS) -- Five groups of professional entertainers are scheduled for 3-week tours of overseas bases. A total of 85 performers will go.
The WEEKLY GAZELLE is authorized to be published weekly by the Troop Information and Education section of KAGNEW STATION for the use of United States military personnel. The GAZELLE wses Armed Forces Press Service material. Articles with an AFPS credit line may be used by any news medium, provided credit is given to AFPS. Written material and cartoons are solicited and may be delivered through the message center or personally. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the Department of the Army.
Officer in Charge: Major John M. Merritt
CoEditors: Cpl. Curtis and
Cpl Nix
Distribution: Cpl Hugh Courley
8604 D.U., APO 843 New York, New
Colonel Orman G. Charles, Commanding Officer
***************THE END***************