Our thanks to Tom McCrea for providing this Weekly Gazelle.

Excerpts from:

14 July 1967

New FY Brings KS Staff Changes

The new fiscal year sees a major realignment within the Kagnew Command Staff, according to Captain Raymond C. Mordell named new S-1 officer in the realignment.

Lt. Col. Eugene S. Sanford was officially designated Executive Officer, a position he has held informally since February.

Major Eugene H.Walter, former S-3 has been named S-4 officer. He is replacewd in S-3 by Captain Lawrence W. O'Brien of Operations.

Captian Ronald F. LaBreche has taken the commanding officer's position in Company B, replacing Vietnam bound Captain Robert J. Tabor.

1Lt. Robert M. Mels was named to succeed Captain Mordell as Company Commander of HHC. 2Lt. William H. Banks will be the HHC executive officer, replacing 1Lt. Carlton W. Stanley, who is now assigned to Operations.

2Lt. Joseph Urbach has been appointed Central Family Housing Officer, replacing 1Lt. Benjamin Motion, soon to separate from the Army. And, effective July 5, Maj. William F. Madden is assistant S-4 for supply.

SP5 Engstrom Named EM of Month

Specialist 5 David A. Engstrom of Company B was named Post Enlisted Man of the Month for the month of June.

For his winning this distinction, he will receive a letter of comendation, a trophy, three-day pass, and a U.S. Savings Bond.

Specialist Engstrom enlisted in the Army in October of 1964 and completed Basic Training in December of 1964 at Ft. Jackson. S.C. He attended the Defence Language Institute for Advanced Individual Training. He arrived in Asmara in September of 1965.

Specialist Engstrom received his B.S. degree in Mathematics from Perdue University in June of 1964.

Two EM Draw $7,500 In VRB's

Two Army specialists have lined their pockets by taking advantage of the Variable Reenlistment Bonus program while furthering their military careers. Sharing in more that $7,500 are SP5 Melvin E. Leonard, Jr. and SP4 Thomas Ryan.

SP5 Leonard reenlisted June 27. Assigned to the U.S. Army Hospital here, the medical technician will receive $1,500 for his three-year reenlistment.

SP4 Ryan is assigned to A Company and works at Tract C as a communications specialist. He will receive more than $6,000. Over the six year period of his enlistment.

Big money is available through the VRB program and waiting for those in critically needed military skills. Staff Sergeant Phillip J. Dennaney, newly appointed Reenlistment NCO, is ready to explain the programto anyone interested. He may be contacted in the Headquarters Building, Tract E, or by phone at extension 2211.

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