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Richard Wilkie '67-'69

Strange things happen when some one gives you a web page that tells of where I spent two years of my life. My name is Richard Wilkie, my tour of duty was from September 1967 to September 1969. My fond memories are of all the real close friends that I made there, but forgot their names and places from where they were from. After I left Ethiopia in 1969, I attended the University of Maryland. Graduated in 1973 and work for Eastman Kodak Co. until December of 1997 when I took retirement. I have started my own business. I now live in New Orleans, La. Many people might remember me from playing sports there. Anyhow, I will now check in on the Kagnew web page to see if I recognize any names from the time I spent time there.

Mike Gnida '56-'58

Would appreciate it if you could add me to the e-mail listing. I served in Asmara from '56 to '58 - ASA. I would also like to add my bio information at a later date. Love this site and congratulate you and any others responsible. Hope to attend the reunion in June.
Mike Gnida

Murray Leonard '53-'54

I served at kagnew Station, Asmara Eritrea. during 1953-1954 transmitter site radio man. Active at ET2US amateur radio station.

Looking for old buddies who served with me

MOS 1417 SSB. Multiplex

Murray Leonard (also called "Reggie")
8360 Winter Springs Lane
Lake Worth FL 33467

George F. Hennessy '64-'71

My family and I were in Asmara from 1964 to 1971. We were civilians stationed at Stonehouse My daughter just told us about the Web Pages The are at least a couple of hundred people located here in central Florida who were in Asmara from the 1964 to 1976 time frame from all branches of the service as well as DOD and other civilians. Locations on many more are available through them Drop me a line and we will exchange info.
George F. Hennessy

Paul Bajohr '70-'71

I would like to have my name added to your roster. My name is Paul Bajohr and served with the US Army Stratcom from February 22, 1970 to August 1st, 1971. I worked at Tract C under the command of LTC Don L. Chilcote. My current address is 3739 Oceanic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11201 and can be reached by phone during working hours 7am-4pm at 718-834-3829. Found the Kagnew website through a friend and it certainly brings back many memories. You and your associates have done a fine job of creating and maintaining this website.. Keep up the good work.

Some of the guys that I worked with were Scott Arnold, Robert Minard, Timothy Willard and James Brown. I have attached two photos of myself. One right before I was ready to leave Asmara and the other was taken just recently. There must be many more photographs out in my garage somewhen. I will look for them and send you a copy.

Richard "Will" & Sarah Williams '66-'70

I'm found. We were in Asmara and at Stonehouse from '66 to '70. Sarah and I are living in Cincinnati, OH. and doing well. Danny you have a great memory. I remember most of the folks you mentioned, but it's been a long time.

I'm an Electrical Eng. (and doing programming) and Sarah is a System Analyst.

We keep in touch with Ron & Ruth Lindemann who are living in Colorado now. "Rob" Lane lives in Florida now and is an Ag Engineer. Last I heard Bob Sutton (supply) lived around Atlanta. All these were Stonehouse folks.

I'll look in occasionally on the web page.
Richard "Will" & Sarah Williams

Margot Farber (Morpeth) '67-'71, '73-'74


My brother told me he had found a web page about Kagnew on it. What a great surprise! My Dad, Walt Farber, was the high school guidance counselor there from 1967-71 and then again from 1973-74 when the base closed down. We have many, many great memories of Asmara, Keren and Massawa. My three brothers, John, Mike and Tom Farber are all in California, as are my folks and I. Don't know where we would fit into the dependent lists, as we did not graduate until a couple of years later. My name is Margot (Farber) Morpeth and my address is 14410 Carlson Ct., Poway, CA. That's in San Diego. My phone number is (619) 748-0860. I would love to hear from anyone about Kagnew. My parents home is FILLED with Ethiopian stuff. You would think you had gone back in time when you see it! They too enjoy talking to people who have lived there. They are frequent visitors at a few of the local Ethiopian restaurants here in San Diego. That's about all. Thank you for having the home page. It has brought back many special memories.

All the best,

Robert Hill '72-'74

I served at Kagnew from '72-'74, which includes the American military's evacuation. My job was with the Naval Communications Station (NavCommSta) Asmara, in the message center.

After the Army Stratcom guy's pulled out I worked as console operator for the Autovon telephone system and NCA communications system. I enjoyed my duty there so much that I "volunteered" to extend my tour (that never happened unfortunately). Anyway, great to find your site and hope to here from someone forming up a reunion in my time period someday. Those were wild times...
Robert Hill

Jack Goss '72-'73

I can't beleive I found this Site. Good idea. I was a Navy Sea Bee. Spent most of my time at Transmitter Site Gura which qualifies me as a true "Gura Rat" My address is 85 Rosemont Ave. Johnstown Pa. 15905. Keep up the good work! I was with the last batch of people who turned out the lights at Kagnew Station when things got touchy. Sometimes I really miss the place and other time I have nightmares about the horror I saw out in the desert during the drought.

Pete Morton '64-'65

What a kick to find this page. I searched it on a whim but I'm surprised and happy to find everyone here. I was in the ASA with MOS 058. My period of residence was from Oct 63- Mar 65. I've never run into anyone else who was there until just recently -- an Air Force guy who was regularly in and out of the area. It would sure be neat to renew some old acquaintences: Joe Yosua, Wally Oki, Tim Keck, Frank Pyburn, Joel Hoeltz, Vernon Brown... where is everybody??

I look forward to hearing back.

Joe DiVeglia

Several months ago, I wrote some song lyrics related to Kagnew Station. I haven't yet written the melody and chords (it will have a Neil Young sound, appropriate to my era at Kagnew), but the lyrics themselves may be of interest to Kagnew vets. re if you want to post it anywhere on the site, but just in case, here it is:

Kagnew Station
(c) 1998 Joe DiVeglia

I wonder what’s become of Kagnew Station.
I wonder who now walks in the musty barracks hall.
Do eucalyptus breezes Still float through open windows?
I wonder if the dark-skinned girls Still linger by the wall.

I wonder what’s become of the gatehouse and the theater,
The bookstore and the palm trees and the pastel homes nearby.
Do women still bear branches
On the street of old Asmara?
Do streetboys still sell Wrigleys
To the hassled passersby?

I wonder what’s become of the houseboy named Berhane,
The one who claimed the Emp’ror was just Jesus in disguise.
Does he still give shoeshines
To impatient, caustic clients?
Does he still press pantcuffs With a penny for a prize?

I wonder what’s become of the soldiers and the sailors
Who manned the big antennas on that mile-high citadel.
I see their faces faintly
Hear their voices vaguely,
Their laughter, though, eludes me
Like a frightened young gazelle.

Galen S. Olmstead '60-'62

What a great job you are doing with this project. I was most delighted to find my name in their several months ago with Billy Lowery searching for me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Had a chance two years ago to meet Haile Selassie's Granddaughter who was working in McLean, Va. at a company called PRC. She was working part-time as a librarian. She was educated in England. She explained to me how her Grandfather met his death under the hands of the communists, in that he was smothered with a pillow. I found the visit with her a very warm and pleasant experience.

I am presently serving in the Navy Reserve (oldest guy probably in the reserve), and will retire this coming December with 20 years service.

I was not appreciative of my venture to Asmara till I returned, and to this day I cherish the experience. Your effort has enhanced that appreciation. Keep up the good work---Rick!!

Thank You,
Galen S. Olmstead

Paul Williams '55-'56

I was assigned to the 9434TU in Asmara from mid 1955 to Nov. 56. Those days were before the move to the new Kagnew station (I think on the west wide of town) Our unit lived at the Belvedere Hotel not far from downtown.

I found you on the net yesterday and have made contact with a couple of others who are also interested in your web site.

I have a list of all the people assigned to the 9434 in mid 1956 which I'll send to you if interested. By the way, it appears there was some change to the 9434. Can you tell me what happened??

I was also there when the AFRS television station was installed. An SFC with the same name as mine and a guy named Wilmer Larsen were the ones to install it.


Lawrence Synder '71

Thanku, thank u, thank u,!!!!!

I got a web tv a couple of weeks ago because I was laid up with surgury and was going nutsoh. When I firgured out how to use search I tried Asmara, Eritera for the hell of it. My teeth dropped when I found he Kagnew page. I spend hours on it.

Today I hit homepage stories, and found the post of the "Shark" by Mark Kowal. Two things I want to talk to Mark. (the story is differant then when I first heard it, the shark is smaller), I coundn't find an e mail for him. And second the guy he mentions (Pat Frame) was my best friend there and we were "roomies" at Det 4 after.

I did have my proudest achievement mail you and add her name to the materity ward list, (Angela Snyder Scarpucci). I want to get my name on but I have to find my records to make sure of dates and times etc. Do you know of a way to get copies of mil. records?

Also in regards to my daughter I kow we had both state department and Ethie birth certificates. Through moves and the big D her Ethie one was lost is there anyway I can get a copy? I know u r jammed and asap is not of import. but if you can point me in the right direction.

My friend you have no idea how finding this site came at just the right moment in time. HE does work in mysterious ways.

Thank you so much again

Paula Wentworth '69-'74

My name is Paula Wentworth. My husband, RMCS Mack Wentworth was stationed in Asmara for 4 1/2 years. We lived on Tract A and he worked at Tract F. We have a bi-annual reunion w/other fellow Kagnewites which are truly enjoyable. We have tried to keep in touch w/them all since our departure in July '74(which also was the closing of Kagnew Station. The Army turned it over to the Navy who, in turn, turned it over to the Ethiopians). We have many wonderful memories of our 4 1/2 years in Asmara at Kagnew Station.

Billy M. (Bill) Dunnam '56-'57

Thanks Rick for adding my name to the active roster. I do not remember Paul Williams you mentioned. I think he may have left before I arrived.

Since I found the website, I have contacted two of my former friends from the 9434 and you should be hearing from them soon. We will be attempting to contact others.

Please add (Lived at Belvedere Hotel) to my name. This might ring some bells in the minds of others who find this web site in the future.

You were right about the 9434 Signal being the forerunner to Stratcom. It was part of the A.C.A.N. network(Army Commuication Administrative Network.) I too was in receivers and visited the new sight a couple of times while it was under construction before I left. I remember that the new site had all new R-390's . The old site was further out from Asmara and we had the ancient R-270's.

Let me suggest setting up the 9434 Signal separately since many oldtimers like me never knew the unit designation was changed to STRATCOM. Might help to locate and attract more members.

Again let me thank you and the others for developing and maintaining such a terrific and unique website.

See you,
Billy M. (Bill) Dunnam

Carol Harth (Salick) '51-'53

Excerpts from several of Carol's emails:

My name is Carol Harth Salick My father was S/Sgt Carlisle Blackie Harth, was in communications. We were in Radio Marina/Kagnew Station from 11/51 to 8/53. I know he did shift work, mother cooked many a meal for the service fellows, especially when they went hunting. Mother lives up the street from me here in Tacoma Washington. The web sight is wonderful and I thank Jerry pry for all his work.

I forgot it was called Radio Marina, we lived there from 11/51 to 8/53, I was in the 4th & 5th grade..the only 5th grader to be exact. Dad's name was Carlisel Blackie Harth ,a sargent, I believe in communications. Remember eating at the mess hall on holidays, plus mother cooked for everyone (Jane). When the service men went on a wild game hunt and brought back the game, it was mom who cooked it. She even butchered it a few times. Not every day you walk into a bathroom and find wild game in it, being washed and ready to package. Good memories even though I was 10/11 yrs old.

PS Dad passed away 5/18/80, just added his name to the wall

Since Dad spent 20 years in the service with 2 yrs in Asmara and 4 years in France...It is fun making contact with other dependents...We have 12 here in Washington that either went to the same school I did at the same time or ahead of me. With the Overseas brats thats were some are listed and Military brats it is fun to look over the list.---I think I have more contacts from my overseas friends than stateside. My mom enjoys it when I tell here what I have been looking up. Plus I showed her some of Jerry's pics when she was here one day..that almost lead us to web tv for her. But since she has had a minor stroke not able to. She does pretty good and lives on her own somewhat. Again thanks.

John & Nerine Gross '71-'72

Hi Rick:
Thanks for your quick reply. I got to Kagnew about the first week of May of 71. I was in Tech control at Tract "B". I had several good friends who worked in receivers - Dan Perkins, from VA I believe; Gary George, Wann, OK (still in touch with him); Keith Means, PA (last I heard from him was several years ago); Al Wisne, SC maybe; Jack Costello or something like that was one of the Trick Chiefs; SFC Odems was my NCOIC in Tech Control; another fellow we all called Dickey (his last name), think he worked in receivers or on the satellite trailer out back. Larry Wakefield from St. Louis, MO came over about the same time I did. He was in supply. My memory doesn't serve me as well as it should cause I can remember many first names but not the last names.

I'm from Sturgis, South Dakota (home of the Black Hills Motorcycle Classic if you've ever heard of it. You can include me on the roster and if you need anything else, let me know. My wife and I check out the Kagnew site whenever we log on. We were so excited to find it and keep looking to see if there's anyone we remember on the lists. We recognized the name Richard Benneline (spelling). Went to a party at his place. He had an Ethiopian wife and she fixed zigne and some other local cuisine for some of us.

William (Bill) LaRochelle '65-'67

My tour of duty at Kagnew Station began in Dec 1965 ending in Apr of 1967. I was attached to the US Navy Comm Sta as an Electronics Tech. Most of my time was spent with the antenna crews both at the receiver site in Asmara and the transmitter site in Gura. I also spent time repairing radio receivers and associated equipment.

I have fond memories of all my friends there and our many good times at the Oasis Club. I also enjoyed several fishing trips to the Red Sea and still have a copy of my Ethiopian Fishing License.

I would enjoy hearing from any of the people I served with. I learned of this website from a friend at the American Legion who's brother (Ron Lowe) had served in ASA at Kagnew Station. I have always checked the American Legion magazine for reunions but had never seen one for Kagnew Station.

I guess my time at Asmara made me long to live in the high country so I moved from Syracuse, NY to Denver CO 22 years ago and have worked for Honeywell ever since.

Judy Hord (Spencer) '57-'60

I was a dependent of Capt. Asa A. Hord station at Kagnew Station from 1957-1960. Please put me on your email list of reunions of anyone around that time period. I would love to attend.

I was 16 years old when we were transferred to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. I have resided in Alabama since.

I have made contact with 5 of the families and would love to pass on the information to them.

It is very exciting to be a part of a very exclusive fraternity (sorority).
Judy Spencer

Kathy Barton '57-'60

I lived in Asmara, Tract A as a kid...went to school over on Kagnew Station. My dad is LTC(Ret.) Wade G. Barton, Jr. My parents live in Lexington, SC. I found this and was just hunting for some of the other "brats" I grew up with there. I lived there from '57-''60

I know Judy Hord. She is 10 years older than me. I was in Kindergarten,1st, and 2nd grades in Asmara. I am a traveling ER nurse and I use my parents address as my permanent one. 1208 Calks Ferry Rd., Lexington, SC 29072.

I have often wondered where everyone ended up. My father was in the ARMY many years after Asmara and I saw a lot of the kids I knew as we all move to a lot of the same places. As our parents retired, we all lost touch. Please put me on the dependents list.

I am looking for Robbie McDonald, Kevin Lang, DeeDee Stout, Nancy Slingerland, Jeffrey Whelen...all kids I knew over there. Mrs Terry was my first grade teacher on Kagnew Station. Thanks,
Kathy Barton

Larry Fitzpatrick '56-'57

I was stationed there in 56-57 as my first duty station. I came aboard with two other ensigns and a new OIC...Lt William Evans...we also had a warrant officer Dean (forget his first name)..In any event I am shocked to see the web site....hope you get this.

If you need anything additional, please let me know....the 99 reunion sounds like a great idea....I have stayed at the reunion hotel...good choice.