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Kagnew Vets E-mails Page 11 |
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What Kagnew Vets Have to
Tom Salak '56-'58
I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this wonderful web
page. I have already found at least four people that I remember from when I was in Asmara. I have spent several hours going over all the material that you have gathered here. It's really great. I can't believe all the old memories that this has brought back. I check it out every day just to see what new stuff has been added. All my kids (there are 8 of them) are looking at it also. Three of them were with me in Asmara. My oldest daughter, Rosemary, was only 1 1/2 when we went there and she is now a LTC with over 20 years service stationed in DC area. Please keep up the good work and thanks a million for what you have done. Tom Salak '56-'58 Also from Tom: First worked in Post Message Center then in Post Publications and finally as Chief Clerk in Operations under MSgt Warren A. Noble. Also did volunteer work at the radio station as a DJ (had a request show) on Wednesday mornings from 12 midnight to 7 am. When I first started I worked with Floyd Kolacki (not sure of the spelling of the last name), but ended up working by myself. I also worked as the Assistant Manager of the Post Theater and as an M.A. at the NCO Club. |
Steve Piercey late 60's
Dear Rick Hello. My name is Steve Piercey. Both my sister and I were born at Kagnew. My parents were missionaries there with the Baptist Bible Fellowship in the later 60's. They are still serving as missionaries in Kenya, as am I. Right now, I'm temporarily in the United States living in Kansas City, Missouri. Here is our information: Lora Michelle (Piercey) Higgins Born: 7 July 1968 Steven Wayne Piercey Born: 10 November 1969 Both born to Jerry and Shara Piercey Also, I'm sure my parents would love to see the site and reminisce a little, but they are not able, becuase they do not have internet access at this time. They will probably look this site up soon when they get internet access, but in the mean time I'd like to pass along a "tidbit" or two if you can help: 1. Looking for a Col. Tellifarro (sp?). I don't personally remember anything other than his name. But he was a good friend to my parents and I'm sure they'd love to know a little something about him now. 2. Looking for a Dr. Killum (sp?). Again, I don't know much about him other than he was the M.D. who delivered my sister and I at the Kagnew Station Hospital. Thanks for the site and the founders and maintainance people involved. It was neat to see all this. Sincerely, Steve Piercey |
James Downton '67-'70
How do all you guys remember this stuff from 30 years ago? All I remember was I was stationed at Kagnew from '67 thru '70. Company B rings a bell but I can't be sure. I know I wasn't at Tract C, where the two dishes were located, that was near the Trade school where I also taught Electricity and electronics part-time. I consumed considerable amounts of Melotti Beer at the Blue Nile and Kagnew bars on Queen Eliz Blvd. Was Trick chief/Facs Control for third shift for what ever Tract I was working in, near the end of my 31 month tour. Was ASA. Some of the names I remember were Jim Kerestes (now in AZ, I believe), Jim Reuter (St Paul, MN), Richard Weaver (originally from Indiana, don't know now?), Bozeman from Florida (originally) Ken from Clevland area... it all fades after that. Would like to join those attending the St Pete reunion if there is going to be someone there I remember, or that remembers me. From the list of those already planning to attend (end of this e-mail), it looks like everyone is around the same time period. Feel free to drop me an e-mail if any of this stuff rings bells for you. I'll try to contact the only two I think I can still trace. Lots of fun times, I definitely do remember that! Jim Downton |
John Hallahan '67-'69
Hey Dude!!! Just wanted to say hi. I was at Kagnew from 67-69. STRATCOM at the transmitter site. Out in the "Boonies". Now I'm in New Hampshire. I also plan to retire in Eritrea some day. Maybe I can get a bunch of crazy people to go back with me. Am I nuts??? I miss the life style there. Nice and easy. The Home Page is GREAT!!! Thank you from all who went to Asmara. My BEST times are from there. My BEST friends were from there. Do you remember Gary Field. His cll sign was Boston or Garu. He is in Florida now. We talk occasionally. SP4 John Hallahan |
Walt Newlin '70-'71
Two notes from Walt: Great web page. My name is Walt Newlin I was at Kagnew from 6/70 to1/71. I was a 72B at the ASA Comcenter. I dont remember what company I was in, I lived on the 2nd floor of the barracks. Our door faced the back wall of the station. I also had a house off post and lived with Don Lively and another guy that had a rock bad. Don was from Ohio and the other was from Calif.. There were guys by the name of Dwight Hodges(CO), Joe Becker, Younger, Gardner, and another named Tony. Dwight and Tony were geologist and the post commander sent them on a water finding mission for two weeks. They didnt find any water but spent alot of time in it down at missawa water skiing. I had a 250cc green Susuki. I could really piss off the sailors accross with the noise it made. I am still riding but its Harley's now and I wear the ASA crest on my vest. If any of you guy read this and can recall me or any of the names I've mentioned pls feel free to email me. Thanks for this chance to maybe find some lost friends. I probably have some pictures from Ethopia but they are all slides and I have 3 years of them to go through but I will get with it. Thanks so much for the great web page. I've noticed that there is not one for FS Hakata. I spent most of my time there and can't find any guys from there. I did get an email from a guy who was with me at Kagnew and we worked in the ASA comcenter together. I will be unable to attend the reunion in Florida as we have a prior commitment. I am going to try to make the Super Group reunion in Laughlin, NV as its fairly close. I could ride my bike there as we go to the river run each year. I'll let you go and thanks again for getting beck to me. Maybe one day I can bend your ear about how to start a page for FS Hakata. Seasons Greetings, Walt Newlin |
Rob Robinson '67-'68
1999 Reunion Co-Chairman! Hey Rick, In checking out your reunion posting I realized that I'd never added my name to the duty roster. So here goes: 05D30 - Straight Days - May '67 to September '68 - lived off base (just a few blocks from the back gate on Strada 718) with my first wife (have now had 3, count 'em!) - from Kagnew went to Bad Aibling (Sep '68 to Sep '71) then to Homestead AFB (Sep '71 to ETS on 11SEP72) While in BA I became the General Manager (as an unofficial full-time duty for just over a year and a half) of the Bad Aibling Audio/Photo Shoppe, a non-appropriated fund "club" (our profits went to support the local AYA and scouting chapters) serving the military and government civilians in southern Bavaria as well as most of the embassies and consulates in Europe. One week after ETS I went to work for Bose Corporation and have been a sales and marketing executive in the consumer electronics industry ever since. My present partner and I own an advertising and marketing services agency which produces advertising, marketing collaterals, trade show exhibits and marketing programs for a group of small manufacturers. |
Frank ( Rosavage) Ross '49-'52
Hi Rick: I'd like to add my name to the list of Kagnewe Vets. Okie O'Connor and Jerry Pry were at Radio Marina with me. I had no idea they changed the name to Kagnew Station until recently when I was doing some browsing. I was able to find Okie after searching since 1956. Okie, Jerry and I had a 3 way chat this afternoon on ICQ. Sure was great. Radio Marina or Kagnew Station It doesn't matter. We all have one thing in common. We left home at a very early age, traveled half way around the world to a country we never heard of and fell in love with it enough to last the rest of our lives. When I registered for the reunion in '99 I didn't realize at the time but I'll also be celebrating my 50th year since my arrival in Asmara. I guess I just let you know my age. It doesn't seem possible. When I read Jerry's email on the Kagnew pages I went to his home page and there I saw that he has over 500 pictures from the '49 to '52 era. I studied every one. What fond memories they brought back. I would welcome any correspondence from Asmara vets. Thanx, Frank |
Jack G. (Danny) Daniels '50-'52
Dear Rick, A friend just told me about the Kagnew Homepage and I am impressed. It is great. Saw a name from when I was there. When I was there (Jan 50 - May 52) there was no Kagnew Station. Kagnew was a prison. We military types lived on the other side of town. Our base was an old Italian navel radio base called Radio Marina. We went to work by army bus which went by the Kagnew prison and several miles out on the flats to our work station. Later (circa 1970) while working as a civilian for NSA, I visited Kagnew on TDY. So I did get to see the "new" facility. Please include me on the Kagnew Homepage e-mail list and any/all other lists. I might be able to find some old info about Asmara. If I do, I'll lend it to you for inclusion in your excellent Kagnew web site. I am: Jack G. (Danny) Daniels, I was in the Army Security Aagency (ASA) at USM-4. I reached the rank of Staff Sergeant. I was stationed in Asmara from January 1950 to May 1952. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Jack |
Gordon R. Foster '61-'63
I arrived in Asmara 1/19/61. I left 5/31/63. I now live in Morristown, Tennessee. I am probably one of the very few to have left the Army and Eritrea by motorcycle. West to the Sudan. Then north through Egypt. I was accompanied by Edwin M. Boal on this adventure. Were it not for Asmara this would not have been possible. I have been in touch with Walt Gisselbrecht, who lives in Torrington, Conn. He was also Operations Co. His MOS was 982. Mine was 986 We were both SP/5. when we left. |
Joe Steiner '56-'58
Hi Rick, Just found your web page - been looking for something like this for some time. Talk about buried memories - wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will have to dig up my stuff and see what I can contribute. Keep me posted. Will talk more later. Joe |
Tom McCrea '67-'68
Rick, Bill (Atwell) called me last Saturday and we talked for about a half hour. He has been living near me for eleven years! There were eight guys that attended the P.A.T. Course at Ft. Devens in the fall of 1966 in preperation for a tour in Asmara. They were: Bill Atwell, Mike Doran, Tom Leonetti, Roger (Steve) Waycaster, Joe Richezza, Jim Donnelly, Darel Daniels, and myself. We arrived in Asmara on Jan. 7 1967 and were all 05H20 assigned to Co. A. Bill, Tom Leonetti and I departed Asmara in Dec. 68 and were assigned to the 326th ASA Co, Ft. Riley, KS. We were seen off at the airport in Asmara by our Italian friend Arturo Lombardo. Arturo has been the subject of a search by Renee Stein and posted on your board. Renee just e-mailed me last week and says that she has located Arturo through a friend in Italy. The last year has been a good one for finding old friends. Thanks for your efforts in keeping us all together. Tom |
Mark Pelletier '67-'69
Rick This is Mark Pelletier. I'm gonna give you the particulars on my brother David so you can add him to the Kagnew Station dependents roster. Unfortunately he has no phone (and therefore no e-mail) but if someone wants to write him I know he'd welcome it. Name: David Pelletier Father: Ralph Pelletier, ETCM (Navy) Years in Asmara: '67-69 AAHS grades: 5 thru 7 Address: 520 N 1st Ave. Mount Vernon, WA. 98273 Phone: none currently E-mail: can use mine (above) post Asmara history: grad. San Pedro High School, San Pedro, CA 1974 served in US Navy late '70s, San Diego; vocation: cook interests: fishing, cooking, raising his 17 year old daughter Shannah. |
Pete Manoso '62-'64
Rick My name is Elpidio Manoso III, nickname Pete. I attended Addis Ababa American School from Aug 62 to Nov 64 while my Dad, Army SFC Elpidio Manoso Jr.(nickname Al) was assigned Military Aid and Assistance Group (MAAG) Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from Jun 62 to Nov 64. Though we lived in Addis Ababa, all our logistics, admin, medical, commissary, etc support came out of Kagnew NAS. Mom and Dad had lots of friends at Kagnew NAS whom we regularly visited whenever we were on base for shopping, dental checkups, etc. My email is (above) and daytime phone is 757-877-0387. Thanks for sponsoring this web site. I think its great. Mom and Dad are now retired and interested in looking up old friends. Pete |
Naomi Squire '69
Rick It wasn't just U.S. babies born at Kagnew Station! Given Name: Naomi Ruth Hitchcock (Squire) Born: 18 February 1969 Parents names: John and Esther Hitchcock from Wales, U.K. My parents (an administrator and a teacher) were working at the Swedish Mission station at Geleb (or Gheleb) in the Mensa tribe, 40 miles east of Keren. Due to high blood pressure, my mother had had an emergency cesarean at the birth of my brother (in the U.K.) The midwife at the remote station was concerned in case there were similar problems at my birth. The Maternity Department at Kagnew Station kindly agreed to deliver me. In the event this followed a speedy 4am car journey through the military curfew from Bellasa (remember the lake and the power station ? - I don't because we left Eritrea shortly before my second birthday, but my father has told me about them). As a result I was one of the first ever British babies born following an epidural. I was born 6.41am. The doctor who delivered me was Major Allen P Killam, US army. My parents were extremely grateful to the Hospital as the service was provided free. I was given a temporary U.S. birth certificate, and an Ethiopian one - which confirms that I was born on the 18th of Yecatit, 1961 - and then a British one from the Consulate. As for me, it is nice to have an opportunity to say a personal "thank you" to a US citizen! Thank you for your work on this Site. I have only ever spoken to one other person born in Asmara before, and never had any contact with anyone else born at Kagnew Station, so this is very exciting for me. With regards, Naomi Squire |
Leo Gascon '63-'65
Hi Rick, I was at Kagnew from June 63 through Dec. 64. I was a MOS 723, worked on A Trick, in the "SECRET ROOM". Some of the guys that I worked with in the Comm. Center were --- Jim Murray (Boston, MA), Tom Henneman (Altoona, PA), David Kaiser (Mankato, MN), John McCormack (Boston, MA), Keith Hand (Harrisburg, PA), Bill Schofield (no known address), John (I think) Quattro (Philadelphia, PA), Robert Voght (no known address). I think Voght was an 058. There was a guy there with whom Tom Henneman used to run. His name was Charlie Harvey. I think he was from somewhere in Texas. I do not recall his MOS. I recall a couple more names, but do not know locations or MOS`s. They were Tim Keck and Tom Sestak. As for myself, I am from Baton Rouge, LA, and have been a lifelong resident. Am now married, have two children, a boy and a girl, and two grandsons. If any of the folks whose names I have mentioned would, in the future, like to contact me, they may do so by writing to me at my address-- 4364 Cypress St., Baton Rouge, La.; or phone me at 225-383-6088, or Email me above. |
Ron Mealey '57-'60
I was with the ASA unit at Kagnew during 1957 thru 1960. I just finished looking thru all the mail you have posted. After all these years I still remember the many good time and the not so good times, and of course reading all the news brought back even more memories . I hope more Kagnew Station alumni from the 1957 era will respond. Looking forward to reading more input. Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this undertaking. |
Wayne Andrews ' 63-'65
Hello Rick, Really enjoy and appreciate this web site. I got into it some time back but you must have been doing some changes cause I didn't get a response back and sort of forgot about it until this past weekend First of all I was assigned to Kagnew from June 1963 until May 1965. My wife joined me the day President Kennedy was assassinated, she came over after I was there for awhile and had gotten a little established. I was in the Operations Co. as a 058, ya a "ditty bopper", moved off post when my wife arrived. Maternity Ward: Two daughters the first was Nadene M. Andrews on Feb 19, 1964 and the second was Natalie J. Andrews on Jan. 8, 1965. Parents are SP5 Wayne and Sheila Andrews. We are currently living in Washburn, WI 54891 and the address is RR 1 Box 274A. Email Address: wandrews@win.bright.net. I recall two names who were there at the same time as we were, Lt. Ball and SP5 Hugh Downey, What can I say except I think this is great and only wished that alot of other Kagnew Vets knew that this site is available. Have often talked to my wife and wondered where some of our old friends have gone to. A lot of memories of the Oasis Club, using our "chits" to buy 15 cent hamburgers. Have also thought a lot about our house maid, where she is now, what is she doing, etc. Her name was, Sodi Gahazay, (spelling?) and we don't know if she continued to work for GI's after we left of not. We also heard that she may have came back to the States with a GI. ?? Thanks for everything, Wayne and Sheila Andrews |