"The Story of Michael"

On a cold December evening, Paul Hosek from Yellow Productions and his friend Jan Molenaar decided to go to a new restaurant in Historical Delfshaven in Rotterdam. They ordered some drinks and talked about the weather. Suddenly the door opened and two girls came in. The owner welcomed them and showed them his new place. When they settled at the bar they started talking to Paul and Jan. Slowly the story came up from one of the girls about her long search for her brother. Her name was Elsa and she came from Eritrea. (at the time she was born this was a province of Ethiopia).

About twenty five years ago an American couple adopted her brother and probably took him to the states. The natural father gave his son away for adoption. There was a terrible war going on, the father thought this was the best thing to do. He was very sorry about what he had to do. He always kept hope that one day he would see his son again. Elsa kept searching and spent a lot of money on people and companies who promised to help in the search. Unfortunately they did not succeed. Elsa said she was desperate so Paul and Jan said they would, for free, try to help her in the search. Later that night as Paul was walking home, he thought to himself "what have I promised, maybe this one is a little over my head." He told the story to his partner , Erwin Verwey. Together they searched the Internet. The brother by now had the name Michael Regan. A search engine produced 11,000 names...too much and no luck. Elsa had some documents showing the adopted father's name. Tally Regan. He was stationed at Kagnew Station. An American facility. So, we typed in "Kagnew." To our suprise there was a veteran's homepage on the Net about this Kagnew Station. We wrote to the vet's email addresses to ask about Tally. One of them used his skills and came up with a name and address. One name and one address. A bit too easy we thought so we put it aside and went on searching the Net.

Finally, one night we decided to try the telephone number given to us by this Kagnew vet. Tally answered and I asked if Michael was at home. "No, he said, he lives in Washington." BINGO!!! We found him. Tally gave us Michael's phone number and before we knew it, Michael was speaking with a sister he didn't know he had. The next day Elsa and her sister Roza took a plane to Washington D.C. and was united with her brother..These Kagnew vets did a great job. Yellow productions is making a documentary about this story and will soon go to Eritrea to film. This story is far from over..(And we of the Kagnew persuasion are wondering why Tally has not checked in with us..editor)


All materials, pictures, whatever, except where noted.
©Copyright Rick Fortney 1998 All Rights Reserved