Kagnew Station Patch

Massawa Hotels, Beaches, etc.


Massawa TTU Center
Click on image for slightly larger view

This page is devoted to the hotels, beaches, bars, water sports etc. at Massawa.

If you have anything you would like posted on this page, please contact Rick and email them in. Also make sure to add a good description with them and when they were taken. If you or your friends are in the picture, include their names and any other information you have.

The only picture I've seen (a great one) of the sign at the U.S. Army Red Sea Rest Center in Massawa
courtesy of Linda Caudell-Feagan

New!Chuck Moulton came up with a great drone aerial of the hotel. I'm not sure of the year it was taken but I'll try to get that from him. Click on the picture below to see a large image.

TTU Massawa from Chuck Moulton