flurry of activity which attended the construction and piecemeal occupation of
Tract E spilled over into the early sixties. As activities and services moved
from Tract A to Tract E, the old buildings were abandoned and later demolished
to make room for badly-needed family quarters. The Army Security Agency held
forth from a new headquarters building, Pershing Hall, and continued logistical
support and personnel services for units representing all three uniformed
dependent population snowballed and for the new arrivals, there was some good
news and some bad news. The good news was that the growing number of facilities
provided an outlet for every appetite. The bad news was that the impressive
array didn't include family quarters. At almost any given time from the late
fifties until the late sixties, upwards of 40 families were lodged in downtown
hotels awaiting off-post quarters. Until 1963, government quarters were
virtually non-existent. The 15 sets on Tract A were the only ones available, in
fact, while construction progressed on quarters near the back gate of Tract E.
The completion of those 50 quarters did very little to shorten the long waiting
list. In 1962, a redesignation of 24 enlisted quarters provided housing for
officers on Tract E, which brought the total up to 51 available officer
quarters and 77 enlisted.
for the meteoric rise in the dependent population prompted the Army Security
Agency to order 60 sets of prefabricated family quarters. characteristically,
they took 18 months to arrive while the housing situation grew more acute. In
August, 1964, a moratorium on command sponsorship for personnel below the grade
of E-5 went into effect in an effort to stem the tide of incoming families. The
prefabricated buildings finally arrived early in 1965. A $161,000 contract for
the construction of foundations was let in March and construction began in the
outfield of the Radio Marina softball field.
arrivals to Kagnew Station in the early sixties were greeted by three new
clubs, (Kagnew Station Officers Open Mess, Top Five and Oasis), a
newly-remodeled ten-lane bowling alley, a $22,000 miniature golf course, a
spanking new Teen Club and a renovated outpatient clinic. But the recreatioinal
complex, Kagnew Farms, which opened in 1961, represented the Command's most
ambitious recreatioinal undertaking.
«Kagnew Farms» was the name of the area where the Radio
Marina transmitter site had been located until it was abandoned after the
construction of the new transmitter site at Tract D. Until the facilities were
supplanted by Stonehouse in 1964, Kagnew Farms commanded a lot of weekend
attention. The area was first opened October 22 when Kagnewites got a firsthand
look at a new skeet range, a small-bore rifle and pistol range and the
Afro-American Racing Club's banked-dirt oval track. Over the years, hundreds of
spectators filled the track's bleachers for jalopy races, motorcycle scrambles
and gherry cart races. The Gazelle reported on the second day of
«The race track at Kagnew Farms is the scene of
races on alternate Sundays of the year. The last race day was November 5 when
two raes each in motorcycles and gocarts provided the chills and spils in
addition to the four jalopy races. A marked improvement over 'opending day' was
noticed in the pit area and now, a retaining screen has been erected around the
track for spectator and driver protection.»
By the
end of 1963, the transfer to Tract E was more or less a fait accompli.
The Navy had taken over the Radio Marina building as their headquarters and
administrative offices. They shared Tract A with the veterinarian, PDO, a
STRATCOM warehouse, the Special Guard headquarters, the Auto Hobby Shop and 15
aging family quarters.
In June,
1961, Kagnew's naval unit became a full-fledged communications statioin, and
Navy receiver operations moved out of Tract C and into Tract F.
Tract A, activity at Tract E waxed. Internal shuffles and reorganizations kept
pace with the physical improvements in post facilities. The creation of the
Public Information Office in 1963 was the upshot of Kagnew's mindfulness of its
gues status in Eritrea. PIO sponsorship of community relations projects was
intended to win friends for Kagnew Station, while a collateral responsibility
for dissemination of information regarding Kagnew Station was meant to dispel
misconceptions. It was under the auspices of the Public Information Office that
Kagnew's most famous citizen got his start.
driving from Keren to Asmara, SP5 Hugh downey offered a ride to an elderly
priest. The priest insisted that Downey visit his village to inspect its
tumbledown school, and that's how it all began. Downey subsequently managed to
raise enough money to construct the John F. Kennedy Memorial School in that
village. After his discharge from the Army, he traveled to Missouri, started
the Lalmbda Association to finance his plans, and then returned to Keren to get
to work. By the time Hugh left again nine years later, he had added six more
schools, a 150 bed orphanage and a hospital The accolades engendered by his
work in Keren have reached international proportions and include commendations
from Lyndon Johnson and H.I.M. Haile Selassie I.
the American community of Kagnew Station got a lot of mileage out of it, PIO
enterprise was not entirely limited to Downey's Keren project. There were
medical safaries in which volunteers under the supervision of army doctors
drove to outlying villages dispensing medical care to those in need. A
Volunteer Teachers Association also had its beginnings in the PIO. At its peak,
over 50 volunteer teachers augmented the staffs of 11 local schools and
colleges. Nine members of this association received honorary academic gowns
from H.I.M. when the University of Asmara opened in January, 1967. The
possibilities available to philanthropic Americans in Eritrea have been (and
are still) virtually limitless, and civic action programs over the years have
ranged from construction of storage dams to donation of textbooks. During the
sixties, practically every unit an organization devoted plenty of time and
money to its own project.
Kagnew Gazelle also fell into the PIO bailiwick (became bimonthly in
June, 1963) and news coverage was supplemented by a daily publication,
Kagnews. Kagnews listed items for sale, announcements, club
entertainment schedules and a weekly summary of significant world news. For a
good percentage of the time of its existence, Kagnews was edited by a
was operated by the PIO and was second only to Special Services in terms of
off-duty attention. Quite natually, KANU kept pace with stateside developments
and offered an ambitious schedule of locally-produced amateur nights, quiz
programs, kids shows and East Africa's own version of American
June 5,
1964 marked the end of the final vestige of British influence and Eritrea was
ordered to «drive right». With the move to the right side of the
road came another innovation -- speed limits. Kagnew's Provost Marshal
suggested that for a few weeks «only those persons that need to drive do
Department of Defense news release in January, 1964 unveiled plans for a new
deep-space research site--Stonehouse. For Kagnew's race track afficionados, the
announcement was a grim one indeed:
«experimentation in the peaceful uses of space will
receive added impetus in Africa with the installation, at Kagnew Statioin, of
additional equipment for space communications research and for future study of
radio receiving and transmitting techniques. The new equipment, now ready for
installation, will consist of two rotatable parbolic antennas, one 85 feet in
diameter and the other 150 in diameter. these modern antennae are designed to
further the study of long-range communications and to facilitate the study of
the effects of the ionosphere on communications. The selection of Asmara for
this important new space research activity resulted from extensive surveys to
find an area combining relatively quiet electronic environment, and suitable
topographic features and climate characteristics, near the equatorial belt.
Kagnew Station is a particularly appropriate site to receive the new antennas
in light of the stations past contributory research into natural electronic
phenomena. The new equipment will expand Kagnew's communications research
capability and will permit scientific mesaurement of unusual transmission
characteristics in outer space communications research. United States interest
in this research activity is based on the desire to improve long-range
communications world-wide. The new installation will make an important
contribution to man's expanding knowledge of the mysteries of outer space.
Materials for the New antennas will begin to arrive at the seaport of Massawa
in early May. From there, they will trucke-hauled to Asmara. The installation
is expected to be completed in 1965 and during phases of its construction
should employ many Ethiopian workers. Arrangements will be made for groups of
visitors to tour the new facility during its construction in accordance with
past practice at other parts of Kagnew Station.»
predicted, the 6,000 tons of Stonehouse arrived in Massawa in May and June of
1964, and $600,000 added an operations building and a power plant at Kagnew
shots were injected into the Kagnew routine in 1965 along with the first
Catholic Chaplain, the conversion of part of the Guest House into a Dental
Clinic and the first little league baseball game. In January of that year, the
Post Training Building, the secene of too many Character Guidance classes, was
converted into the PX Annex. In May, the «Club in the Clouds»
(Service Club) received a major facelifting. Refurbishments included an indoor
waterfall and a wall-sized mural of Mount Fuji. Three years later, another
major renovation supplanted Mt. Fuji with an African safari lodge.
saw the opening of the new Navy transmitter site, Tract H, and Tract G, the
STRATCOM Satellite Terminal in Gura. At roughly the same time, the 2 million
dollar power plant, the STRATCOM Barracks, the BEQ and 54 family quarters were
completed, KANU-TV, which had become an affiliate of the American Forces Radio
and Television Service, switched from channel eight to channel two, 41,000
pieces of quartermaster furniture arrived and hunting came to an end in
moratorium on hunting caused a drop in morale equalled only by the great Peanut
Butter Famine of 1971. The ascendency of the Eritrean Liberation Front rang
down the curtain on Kagnew's favorite pastime, one which had flourished since
the mid-forties. It was so popular that Army vehicles were used for an average
of 300 trips a year, and almost every Unit Fund owned a jeep or two for
hunting. For a time, the Navy maintained a hunting camp in Agordat and a
fulltime Kagnew game warden scrupulously enforced hunting regulations.
addition to the completion of the Company B barracks and the conversion of the
Woodcraft Shop to the Multicraft Shop, the FY 1966 Historical Report notes
another example of the great lengths taken to accomodate every Kagnewite's
individual needs:
«Shelves were installed in all cells of the Post
Guardhouse. This improved the morale of all detained persons in that it
provided an adequate place for the storing of articles that prisoners are
allowed to keep during confinement.»
were also some internal changes in Special Services in 1966 with the
organization of the entertainment Section. Its staff quickly got the Special
Services Male Chorus underway and produced plays in the Roosevelt Theater on a
quarterly basis.
Significant events in Asmara in 1967 were eclipsed by Sergeant
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and the pilgrimage to Haight-Ashbury, but
the rain (or lack of it) in 1968 grabbed the headlines. The rainfall that year
was well below average and Kagnew residents began rationing in February, 1969
when water was cut back to five hours a day. Nine months later, having had only
a negligible rainfall during the summer, the situation deteriorated and water
usage hours were again reduced. Conservation pre-empted all other concerns.
While Army engineers pounded drill bits into layers of bedrock, Kagnew's motor
pool trucked nearly five million gallons of water up serpentine roads, and the
Facilities Engineers divided their time between devising ingenious water-saving
schemes and puzzling over thousands of gallons of water which were unaccounted
for each day. By early 1970, Kagnewites had one hour of water in the morning
and one hour at night. The Kagnew Gazelle offered some consolation:
«It's a sad story all around. The Tract C
well-digging project which was started May 6, has been plagued from the first
by mechanical breakdowns, stuck bits and hard rock. And now -- to top it off --
our diggers have gone to the very 100 meter limit allowed under our agreement
with the Ethiopian Government and all we have to show for our efforts is one
rather empty hole in the ground.»
«As for hauling, that does not appear to be the
total solution. Kagnew tankers began trucking in water September 4 from the
Navy Gura site as our situation worsened. That route was discontinued on
September 25 when Kagnew found a closer source 17 miles southeast of Asmara on
a farm belonging to Judge Latilla of Asmara.»
«From the judge's well, we have been able to
purchase an average of 40,000 gallons of water each day. All units on post
provide driver details for the 1,500 gallon tankers and each driver makes from
three to four round trips each day on his shift. (Post Engineer) Major Ken
Scott admits the driving, done primarily by the same men each day, is a
grueling task, not without its dangers. Sloshing water has a difficult momentum
to control.»
«Good news! The Command's request for money to
drill more wells has been approved by Washington! The Mediterranean Division
Engineers are now examining bids for the drilling contracts! Drilling is
supposed to start by mid-December! Up to four wells are to be drilled! Three
5,000 gallon tankers should arrive before the week is out! A water-witcher has
been called in to find a drilling site!»
«Would you believe that last Friday this man of
magic shook his stick around outside that Tract E back gate, a home-owner dug
down 20 feet and was nearly drowned in water? And shortly after this (not one
to argue with positive results), Major Scott took hom out to Tract C and had
him find us a new well site?»
«'Drill here,' Water-Witcher said. 'You will have
water within 75 feet.' Guess where the first of those four wells will be
«A Med Div geologist agrees with the location,
believing we might bore into a fault in the basaltic rock and get lucky. But
even so, if we should find water within the month, it will be of no immediate
relief. Lines have to be sunk and pumping stations built.»
«'I predict we won't see any water on Tract E from
those new wells for six months," Major Scott said, optimistically. 'If we get
any by July, we're gong to be lucky.'»
As time
progressed, it became evident that Kagnew's only salvation was to be the
summer's rainy season and Kagnewites girded up for the dry
When the
rains did come in late June, a sad paradox developed. The torrential rainfall
was so frequent that the well that was providing the bulk of the water was
contaminated by waste materials washed off the surface. The long-awaited rains
had only ruined what little water Kagnew did have. A series of prompt
negotiations netted two purification units which were flown in by MAC and
hastily put into service. On July 22, 1970, the rationing came to an end and
fulltime water usage returned.
By the
end of the sixties, all major construction had been completed. A total capital
investment of 69.5 million dollars had provided 185 buildings and 25 miles of
road, and Kagnew sprawled over 3400 acres of land. Surprisingly enough, once
construction was completed, space became a premium commodity. Walls and windows
came and went during the process of countless reconfigurations.
In way of
a post script to 1969, weapons firing on the Kagnew range adjacent to Tract C
was abruptly discontinued when a ricocheting bullet wounded a hapless Ethiopian
at the Asmara Airport. On August 8, 1969, the inaugural flight of the Kagnew
Station Flying Club lifted off in one of the two Cessna aircraft purchased from
Wheelus Air Force Base. And sports competition reached a new zenith with
Kagnew's first Super Bowl in which the enlisted team edged the vaunted officers
squad in tackle football 12-6.
After 20
years of moving and building, Kagnew Station had blossomed into a full-fledged
American community snugly ensconced in the Eritrean highlands. For most of the
4,200 Kagnewites, life was euphoric and the future open-ended. Or so everyone